Estate Sale Shopping Appointment.2
Firewheel Area Estate Sale
Service Description
During these challenging times, our focus is on keeping everyone safe and healthy. Everyone entering the sale will be required to abide by social distancing, wear a proper mask and keep it covering their mouth and nose. NO EXCEPTIONS. We will not provide masks. We will also ask that you use our hand sanitizer before shopping. Each appointment will be for 30 minutes- we will limit entrance to 5 appointments each 30 minute block. Each appointment is good for two people only. No children will be admitted. We appreciate your patience, good humor and kindness during these challenging times. ***PLEASE*** keep your appointments! If something unforeseen comes up, cancel online so another person can schedule in your place. Friday 11-5, Saturday 10-5, Sunday 11-4 (Please disregard limited schedule times listed below)

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